Hand exercises in the gym

Most people who decide to increase muscle mass and get in shape usually focus on exercises that help develop the biceps, chest and back muscles, while completely forgetting about smaller muscle groups. It is necessary to pay attention to them
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Brutal exercises for morning exercises for men

Gaining muscle mass is a goal not only for young people; bodybuilding after 40 years for men is not only possible, but even necessary. Often, this is the goal of older men and women. There are many reasons for this desire. Sometimes you, when you're over 50,
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Exercise “Hug your shoulders”

Hello, dear readers! Are you suffering from asthma, hypertension or other serious diseases? Do you want to recover without using drugs? Then you just need to learn about the method of the famous domestic scientist Buteyko! And just in this article
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How to pump up your shoulders at home: tips, exercises, videos

Girls who are taking up sports for the first time pay little attention to the upper part of their body. However, a beautiful line of the arms and even the back in the photo and in life is impossible without exercises on the shoulder girdle area, and it is built by targeted strength training with weights. Is it possible?
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Exercises for the upper shoulder girdle

One of the common problems of a sedentary lifestyle is a “stiff” neck. Which, in turn, often causes headaches. The roots of the problem actually lie in the misalignment of the shoulders and shoulder blades. This set of exercises will help relieve excess tension.
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Shoulder Anatomy - The Scientific Approach to Shoulder Training

/Isolation exercise/ Detailing the shoulders and upper back Reverse flyes are a tool for fine-tuning the shape and relief of the rear deltas, as well as all the muscles of the upper back. In addition, reverse flyes strengthen the rotator cuff muscles, the strength of which
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Stretching - ideal figure and confidence

By alternating and combining these simple techniques, you can quickly, significantly and safely improve your stretching. 1. We exercise regularly. The best schedule is 6 times a week. 2. We take into account biorhythms. In the evening, the body lends itself to stretching much better than in the morning. In the morning the body is more
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Effective shoulder exercises

You can trust nutritionist Margarita Koroleva, because it is with her help that all our Russian celebrities lose weight. It was thanks to her that they lost weight, and many, many others. Margarita Koroleva has more than just knowledge in the field of nutrition
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Warm-up for all occasions

The middle delta is a unique muscle bundle that is included in the work when performing almost any shoulder exercise. There is a lot of disagreement about the need to perform any separate exercises for a given beam, but we can say
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Post-workout stretching exercises for arms and shoulders – do they need to be improved?

Glad to see you again, dear readers! Hundreds or even thousands of articles have already been written on various options for home training. And they all differ in some ways, and in some ways they are similar to each other. The difference, as a rule, lies in the equipment used
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