Anterior deltoid stretch. Warm-up for all occasions

The middle delta is a unique muscle bundle that is included in the work when performing almost any shoulder exercise. There is a lot of disagreement about the need to perform any specific exercises for this bundle, but one thing is certain: there are both basic and isolating approaches for training the middle deltoid muscle. In order for the load to be correct, it is necessary to refer to anatomy.

Anatomy and function of the middle delta

According to anatomical reference books, the deltoid muscle performs the main function of the spinal region - it is responsible for the work of the shoulder blades. And the load on the deltoid muscles is directly affected by the position of the shoulder joint.

  • When the arms are lowered and the shoulder blades move, the rear delta works;
  • when raised - front;
  • the middle bundle plays a connecting role, called .

This department works most effectively with the rear delta, because it is closest to it. But for complete isolation, when performing exercises on the middle deltoids, you should reduce the angle in relation to the rear beam.

Basic exercise: overhead press

The best exercises for the middle delta start from the base, which, without fail, is performed by all categories of athletes: from beginner to professional.

For better control of the elbows, it is recommended to perform these exercises on the middle delta of the shoulder in front of a mirror. You should choose sitting position, since when bench pressing a barbell while standing, the legs are involved in the process, and the shoulder muscle group receives insufficient load.


  1. Sit on a bench, spread your legs wide for a secure support. During the exercise You can't bend your back.
  2. With a grip wider than shoulder width, gently lift the barbell overhead.
  3. Lower the barbell behind your back until a right angle is formed at the elbow joint.
  4. Press the barbell overhead.

Performing exercises for the middle deltoids do not do it Getting too carried away with the scale can lead to injury.

At the initial stage attention must be paid to the technique of execution and only after that move on to gradually adding extra pounds.

Classic isolation: standing dumbbell swings

Mahami is the best end training the middle delta of the shoulder, this will help slightly stretch the middle fascicles. In principle, this exercise is very similar to - it stretches muscle fibers and trains the muscle group as a whole.

How to pump up the middle delta with swings:

  1. Stand up straight, straighten your back. You can take a dumbbell in each hand or do it alternately, most effectively, as it promotes greater concentration on action.
  2. Swing the dumbbells to shoulder level. You should not hold your hand at the top point.
  3. Return your hand to the starting position. Returns must be made gradually, without jerking, and takes 2 times longer than lifting.

Important! To perform these exercises correctly on the middle deltoids, you should select the appropriate weight.

When the load is too heavy the athlete stops paying attention to technique: jerks appear, the dumbbell may not reach shoulder level, the body gradually leans forward. With such errors the exercise loses its isolating quality, and the load spreads to other muscle groups.

I’ve been training for six months and have pulled my anterior deltoid, which is especially noticeable when bench pressing. I reach 90 kg. and the delta begins to hurt, this does not happen on small scales. Can you explain how to get out of this situation?

First of all, you need to make a correct diagnosis.

First: You actually pulled the anterior deltoid muscle.

Second: You have tendinitis in your shoulder and biceps. Although this is usually mistaken for a shoulder injury (after all, it is the shoulder that hurts), biceps tendinitis is actually the result of the superior biceps tendon coming out of its bed at the upper end of the humerus - the humerus. The pain is felt under the anterior deltoid muscle and is therefore often mistaken for a shoulder injury. This is usually misdiagnosed as bursitis or a sprained shoulder girdle. If the biceps tendon is not put back into place, it will cause shoulder disease because the biceps ligament stabilizes the shoulder joints. When it is not in the right place, the lateral and posterior shoulder joints experience additional stress and gradually become inflamed and painful. Ultimately, everything may end in separation of the shoulder joint.


After reading your answer to my question, I decided to go to the Luzhniki physical education and medical dispensary. The surgeon, having examined me, reassured me, saying that it was periarthritis of the delta, and prescribed me Butadione ointment twice a day and Ortofen tablets twice a day, as well as physiotherapy. If this does not help, then “Blockade”, as far as I understand, is the injection of medicine directly into the source of pain. For about 5 days I have been taking Ortofen and using Butadione, the pain has become less, but I have not trained for 10 days. I want to start training because my muscles are starting to lose tone. Maybe tell me how to train correctly in my situation, and where I can get advice on organizing the training process and technique for performing exercises, since I live in the Moscow region.

Sincerely, Alexander.

I must say that your attitude towards our sport deserves respect. Continuing in the same spirit, you will certainly achieve significant success, and perhaps in 5-10 years I will still be proud to know you.
Let's hope that the diagnosis is made accurately and the injury will not just be healed, but completely cured.

the site offers - personal consultations and training

During personal consultations (correspondence) by e-mail, you will receive at your disposal “tools” with which you can change your figure - this is a diet, training program, diet, rest, and so on. We will also teach you how to use these tools so that in the future you can independently do whatever you want with your figure - build muscle mass, strength or relief, burn excess fat, increase or decrease your weight within the limits of your genetic data. In fact, you will simply take a course to become your own personal trainer and nutritionist (nutrition expert).

Personal training with a certified trainer is also possible to learn the correct technique for performing exercises, carried out only in Moscow.

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Photo: Warren Goldswain/

Warming up is an extremely necessary thing before any physical activity: be it running, aerobics, stretching, strength training in the gym or working in the garden and garden plot. Yes, yes, the latter also requires preparation so as not to injure muscles, tendons, and ligaments with sudden loading. Moreover, at the end of any physical activity, you also need to perform several special exercises to restore breathing.

This is necessary mainly to prevent overload of the heart muscle. This situation can actually arise if you suddenly stop after intense physical activity. A block of exercises to restore breathing after fitness is usually called a cool-down. What kind of exercises are these that will help you enter gently and painlessly and slow down correctly upon completion?

The small set of exercises below is suitable for all occasions: you can perform them both as a warm-up and as a cool-down before and after jogging, skipping, training on a machine, etc.

Exercise 1. Stretching the neck muscles.

Photo by N. Grishko

Stand up straight. Place your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your waist. Tilt your head to the right, stretch your ear to your shoulder. Help yourself with the same hand, pressing slightly with your palm on your head. Do the same by tilting your head to the left. Repeat 3 times in each direction.

Take your time and do not make sudden movements so as not to damage it. After all, if you overdo it when stretching, the muscle does not have time to lengthen, growing new segments, and is injured. The same recommendation applies to all subsequent exercises.

Exercise 2. Stretching the anterior delta and pectoral muscles.

Photo by N. Grishko

Stand up straight, one step away from the wall with your back to it. Stretch your straight right hand back, place it parallel to the floor, and rest your palm against the wall. Feel the stretch in your anterior deltoid and pectoral muscles. Lock the position. Do the same for your left hand.

Photo by N. Grishko

Now place your palm in the same way on the wall, but above shoulder level, and again stretch the delta and pectoral muscles, first with your right hand, then with your left.

Exercise 3. Back stretching.

Photo by N. Grishko

Stand straight, place your feet shoulder-width apart, lift them up, and cover your left palm with your right palm, which is turned outward. Lean to the right. Stand up straight. Perform the same tilt to the left. Repeat 6 times in each direction. The exercise perfectly relieves back discomfort, which is often complained about by young mothers who have to carry the baby in their arms for a long time and bend over to him, as well as people whose professional activities force them to sit for a long time (accountants, writers, seamstresses, drivers, etc.) .P.).

Exercise 4. Core stretching.

Photo by N. Grishko

The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise - we stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, straight arms raised up, fingers pointing at the ceiling. Lean back, throw your head back, and look at your fingers. Lock the position. Feel how your core stretches. Stand up straight. Repeat the exercise 6 times.

Exercise 5: Front thigh stretch

Photo by N. Grishko

Stand straight, place your feet together, arms freely along the body. Bend your right leg at the knee, move your shin back, place your thigh at a right angle to the floor. Help yourself with the hand of the same name by grabbing your foot with its palm. Pull your heel toward your buttock. Lock the position. Do the same with your left leg.

Exercise 6. Stretching the hamstrings and pectoral muscles

Photo by N. Grishko

Straighten up, place your legs wider than your shoulders, raise your arms straight up, interlace your fingers. without opening your fingers. The body should rush into the space between the legs, and straight arms should reach the ceiling. Lock the position.

Exercise 7. Stretching the popliteus muscle.

Photo by N. Grishko

Straighten up, place your legs together. Lean forward again. Reach your fingers toward your toes, and your chest toward your knees.

As you can see, all the exercises are quite simple in terms of technique and represent elements of stretching. They will do an excellent job of preparing your body for a complex workout, and after completing the main training, they will help stretch already well-warmed muscles. By the way, strong, trained muscles lend themselves better to stretching. That is, aerobic exercise in combination with stretching will give a better effect than separate stretching sessions, and will also help to avoid injuries. And, of course, as in any business, the right positive psychological attitude is extremely important. Whatever fitness goals you set for yourself - lose weight, tone your muscles, do the splits - get ready to achieve them, to win. Instead of the doomed “I won’t succeed,” start training with thoughts of how you are approaching your dream step by step. But in your pursuit of it, do not forget about the importance of warming up and cooling down.

Good luck!

Shoulder stretches, including stretching the front of the shoulder, chest, triceps and latissimus dorsi.

Stretching the front of the shoulder

There are several ways to stretch the muscles at the front of the shoulder.


Place your palms on your lower back.
Try to bring your elbows together behind your back.

Muscles involved:
deltoid pectoralis major muscle

Stretching is a comprehensive training technique that stretches the limbs of the body and muscles. Its original nameShe received “stretching” due to the fact that she began to practice separately from aerobic exercises, in order to improve the body’s health and give it flexibility.

Stretching the front of the shoulder. Option No2

For this shoulder girdle training exercise, you can use furniture, a doorway and other stable objects, as shown in the picture

Muscles involved:
Pectoralis major muscle

Chest stretching

Muscles involved:

Pectoralis major muscle
Pectoral muscles

Stretching the pectoral muscles and shoulder girdle with the help of a partner

Exercises done with the help of a partner can be quite effective. The main thing is to control the process and tell your partner when you need to stop the stretching exercise.

  1. Stand straight and clasp your hands behind your back, raising them slightly.
  2. Your partner should stand behind you and hold your hands.
  3. Ask your partner to apply gentle pressure on your hands around the wrists.
  4. Hold this position for 10-30 seconds.

Muscles involved:

Pectoralis major muscle
Pectoralis minor muscle

Triceps stretching: exercises in pictures and video

When it comes to arm muscles, triceps are often overlooked. Stretching your triceps arms, especially after weight training, will help eliminate or reduce delayed onset muscle soreness.

Triceps stretching warm-up

Muscles involved:

Watch the video on how to properly perform triceps stretches:

Triceps stretching is recommended to be performed after strength training, because... Stretching relaxes the muscles. When you perform a strength exercise, the muscles remain compressed after finishing. Recovery occurs during rest. Stretching allows you to reduce this time to a minimum.

Stretching the latissimus dorsi muscle

A simple triceps stretching exercise that can be included in any workout.


You can pull one shoulder at a time.

Muscles involved:
Latissimus dorsi muscle

Back Shoulder Stretch

Stretching the muscles of the back of the shoulder will be effective in treating shoulder injuries, as well as tension in the muscles of the upper back and neck, and stretching the triceps.

Muscles involved:
Posterior deltoid muscle
Supraspinatus muscle
Subosseous muscle
Rhomboid major muscle

Stretch the back of the shoulder. Option No2

Muscles involved:
Supraspinatus muscle
Subosseous muscle

Stretching exercise for the periosteum muscle

Muscles involved:
Periosteum muscle

Forced stretching of the triceps arm with the help of a partner

  1. The partner supports the elbow and holds the wrist with the other hand.
  2. The hand moves towards the shoulder until the athlete feels a stretch.

Muscles involved:
Triceps brachii muscle

Repeat after the instructor as shown in the video:

The superficial shoulder muscle, also called the deltoid, is located between the collarbone and scapula, connecting it to the top of the forearm. Pain in this place is a common phenomenon, the causes of its occurrence are varied. But if the deltoid muscle hurts constantly, then the cause may be inflammation or injury. In such a situation, it is important to determine the root cause and begin timely treatment.

Causes of muscle pain

The front surface of the delta, together with the pectoral muscle, is responsible for moving the arm forward and rotating it, the middle surface controls the abduction of the arm to the side, and the back surface, together with the back muscles, helps the arm turn around. Loading accompanied by moving the limbs in any direction can cause muscle fibers to stretch. Any person can get injured - both an athlete and someone leading a sedentary lifestyle. The main causes of pain are the following:

  • injury to the axillary nerve;
  • myosfascial pain syndrome;
  • spasm of muscle fibers;
  • consequences of arthrosis or osteochondrosis;
  • inflammation of the tendon.

Inflammation of the deltoid muscle can be caused by mechanical damage.

All reasons that can cause constant pain are divided into 3 categories:

  1. Damage to muscle ligaments caused by an inflammatory, degenerative or traumatic process.
  2. Damage to the shoulder joint capsule of a non-inflammatory nature.
  3. Injury to the shoulder tendons responsible for rotating the shoulder.

How does pain manifest itself?

It is impossible not to notice shoulder pain; when it appears, the usual mobility in the shoulder disappears. It is difficult to perform usual actions: tie shoelaces, put on clothes, or carry something. Pain is divided into acute and aching, according to the mechanism of pain sensations it is divided as follows:

  • The pain is concentrated in the upper part of the shoulder. First it starts from the neck and gradually spreads to the entire arm. The unpleasant sensation intensifies when moving the limb. The person may experience burning, tingling and numbness. The main culprit for such symptoms is an intervertebral hernia.
  • Stiffness of the muscle tissue of the upper shoulder girdle. Difficulties arise when moving your arm to the side, lifting it up, and it is also impossible to put it behind your back. In the most extreme situations, it is difficult for a person to bring a spoon to his mouth while eating. The pathology develops unnoticed and gradually.
  • Overstrain of a group of muscles located around the shoulder joint. Occurs as a result of prolonged non-standard movement of the upper limbs (painting the ceiling). Acute pain appears the next day, mobility is limited.
  • Reactive inflammatory process of the tendons of the shoulder girdle. Severe pain is caused by calcium deposits in the muscles. Limb mobility is reduced, both passive and active. Pain sensations spread to the neck and forearm area.


If you experience constant pain in your shoulder, you should urgently consult a doctor for diagnosis and prescribe therapeutic procedures.

Laboratory tests will determine the presence of an inflammatory process.

For pain in the deltoid muscle, it is important to establish the source of pain, find out where the development of pain began, and determine the presence or absence of special symptoms. The doctor examines the patient, determines the equidistance between the collarbones and shoulder blades, as well as the presence of an increased volume of the muscle area. The approach to the examination should be comprehensive due to the large number of causes of pain in the delta. Searching for the causes of discomfort includes the following methods:

  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • X-ray examination;
  • arthroscopy. - Training, nutrition, equipment